Sunday, July 01, 2007


It had to be too hard for any headline writer to resist, but it's a flood, whether it's the NYT:
iSee into The Future, Therefore iAm
Or the poor little Wisconsin State Journal:
iThink iLike: Taking the iPhone for a test drive
Since in cases like these it's just an orthographic oddity, a visual joke tied to a product, it'll pass quickly. Any way we could see a productive pattern arise out of this, where i-Noun means 'Apple's innovative product involving Noun'? Probably with a sarcastic angle to it, like 'overly trendy, tragically hip'?

By the way, "iWhatever" gets 98,700 raw g-hits.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for this one to show up: iCame iSaw iConquered.

Mr. Verb said...

Too late! Google it. First hit I get it the Chicago Sun-Times.

Anonymous said...

I still love MadTV's parody of a new Apple product, the iRack. "Just look at all the things we can put into the iRack!" Reporter: "The iRack looks unstable, shouldn't we pull those things out?" Jobs:"You can't pull them out of the iRack, you can only put more in!"...or something like that. Ha!

Mr. Verb said...

Oh, I had ENTIRELY forgotten that routine!