Thursday, August 16, 2007

Google search: Tolzmann plagiarism

Once again this blog is getting a stream of hits for searches like "Tolzmann plagiarism", including a bunch today. If you're looking for that, please search this blog for "Tolzmann" and read the comments. Assuming the most recent ones are accurate, he did suffer consequences for his actions, though hardly the worst he could have gotten. It's an ugly story, but I appreciate those who've passed along relevant information. Let's hope this is the last time his name ever appears on this blog.


Anonymous said...

apologies for mentioning his name once more, but I just came across an interesting booklet of his poetry from the 1970s (?) printed in a simple folded binding... all poetry written in German --- printed Fraktur script (!) ... the topics have that over-the-top Neigung zum alten Vaterland... have you seen it, I'm sure someone there has it? might be an interesting read, or not...

Mr. Verb said...

Wow. OK, let me propose this: When there is a paper at SGAS about the brown stain running through the organization's and the field's history, we'll declare it a normal, healthy academic enterprise.