I was NOT going to post about this pic: But the issue of recursion has AGAIN reared up its head, much like Putin over Alaskan air space, as I read in Geoff Pullum's new post on the Log.
Sheesh, and I was thinking we'd be moving to the high ground now that the election was over ...
"omg, how did I only just learn about Mr. Verb?" — Lauren, Dec. 9, '08
"Mr. Verb and his minions, few though there seem to be, dislike reading, or dislike reading carefully." — Robert Hartwell Fiske, editor and publisher, The Vocabula Review
I has caning hop affix
God, I love the comments on this blog.
And note that Prof. Pullum has turned commenting off on this one. Hmm....
Pullum tends to turn comments off a lot.
but selectively
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