I was cleaning out the old junk folder and found a real message that had ended there. (Happily, that's so rare these days that I don't check constantly anymore.) Anyway, h.t. to j.c. for a message that contained a suggestion for a bit of font humor. If you love Comic Sans,
this may make your day.
Me, I'm mostly stunned at that people can hate a typeface. (Google 'Comic Sans' if you doubt it!)
What would you pay to have a few brews with Comic Sans and Papyrus? Seriously.
Gee, I kinda like Comic Sans. I mean, in the right context, but still.
I imagine Papyrus would just make annoying pseudo-intellectual statements the whole time, and say that they really prefer green tea.
And I see Comic Sans RUNNING freakin' wild with that stuff.
This Wondermark comic seems on topic.
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