Friday, January 06, 2012

Word of the Year

I'll be tweeting WOTY activities. For the moment, a list of nominees has been provided by Ben Zimmer, here.

Right now, listening to incredible presentations about the Dictionary of American Regional English by Michael Paul Adams, Grant Barrett and Tom Purnell. I have now seen a copy of the last volume of DARE, touched it, and looked at it. Wow.


  1. I'm so jealous! I've always wanted to visit Oregon since I read Francis Parkman at university.
    It looks as if 'occupy' is WOTY. Sorry, but it gets the thumbs down from me. I prefer 'bazinga' (not even nominated) from 'The Big Bang Theory' - my fifteeen-year-old daughter's a big fan -, or even the new (?) use of 'hash', from 'How I met Your Mother'.

  2. Apologies! For 'hash' read 'hashtag'! Ooops.

  3. Portland's great. Weather isn't the best (wet and dark, mostly).

    I missed the nomination meeting but recall that hashtag was in the discussion. Didn't hear and didn't know 'bazinga'. What does it mean?

  4. Sounds like Portland is about the same as Buckingham in England - just about to light the log fire.
    'Bazinga!' seems to mean 'gotcha!'
    Have fun.
