Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Calling formal semanticists! I sort of semi-know for a fact …

Donald Trump opened one of his rants about Obama and birtherism this way:
 I sort of semi-know for a fact …
 The audio is here, at about 6:30.

What?  What the hell does that mean? I mean really, what. does. that. mean.? I can't do it in a truth table.

The mega-hedge of all hedges?


  1. I think I can translate: "I know this isn't actually a fact, but I really, really want it to be and will operate under the assumption that it is."

  2. Eugene5:02 AM

    In 101 we teach about entailment. If you know something, it's a fact. If you (sort of) semi-know something, it is not a fact.

  3. Yeah, that was precisely my starting point here. 'know for a far' and 'sort of semi' is doubling down in both directions.

  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    That somebody so stupid is able to get so much attention is just one more sign of the end of the world.

  5. Oops, key typo, meant to type: Yeah, that was precisely my starting point here. 'know for a fact' and 'sort of semi-' is doubling down in both directions at once.
