I was on the train today (yes, a train, here in America!) and caught sight of this billboard. It was for a car, maybe a Buick??? Well, I was so riveted by the bizarreness of the morphology that I didn't really register the product (one of the many ways the billboard failed, I guess), but here's what I did catch:
flexible nimble luxurious-ble
I mean, I mean, wait, nooooooooooooooooo!!! That just does not work, in so many ways!
"omg, how did I only just learn about Mr. Verb?" — Lauren, Dec. 9, '08
"Mr. Verb and his minions, few though there seem to be, dislike reading, or dislike reading carefully." — Robert Hartwell Fiske, editor and publisher, The Vocabula Review
It's like a worse version of the Snickers billboard campaign from a few years back.
Introduction to Morphology final exam question: Lay out the problems with that form.
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