Monday, March 12, 2007

"Apple pie" = kind of liquor

Tonight's local evening paper, the Cap Times, has a piece about apple pie, a term for clear booze with an apple taste -- doctored with some kind of apple favor, plus cinnamon and such. In the case at hand, it was grain alcohol ('everclear') that had been flavored and sold to bars, illegally. Hey, it's Wisconsin. As it happens, Mr. V himself recently had a taste of 'apple pie' that was basically the same thing, but privately, not bought. Overly sweet to my palate, but then I was trying to be Wisco-serious about it. The Dictionary of American Regional English doesn't show this term, but maybe it's newer than their first volume?

By the way, I'm delighted (and truly surprised) to be getting such nice emails since finally posting my email address on my profile. Our readership is growing more rapidly than I ever imagined it would and it's a great pleasure to get positive feedback from so many different perspectives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait, there's a kind of hooch I don't know? Sir Verb, oh lord of hard drink, I beseech thee, make me wise in the ways of this 'apple pie' you speak of.