Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good product names, 2010

Team Verb as a group has yet to as much as yawn about the impending Word of the Year and various associated festivities, as far as I can tell. That's not a bah humbug deal but more that we've all been really busy.

But this morning one of us stumbled across Fritinancy's Nicely Named post on cool product names. And they are cool. Two examples:

A New Zealand company that makes wool clothes with a
unique “Baacode” in each garment allows the customer to trace the garment through the entire supply chain.
Nice. And then there's the new pie company, Four & Twenty Blackbirds, with this motto:
Keep your fork—there’s pie!
Now, some people may be bothered by the possible connection of this name and motto to the early modern tradition of actually baking live birds into pies. But a little undercurrent of shock might be just what they wanted ... .

The pace of blogging here will pick up again, but in the meantime, Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Re Icebreaker's "Baacode": I just bought a couple of their shirts today. The instructions on tracing the sheep say "Simply type the unique Baacode on the green tag inside your garment into". On the other side of the instructions it says in German "Geben Sie ganz einfach den einzigartigen Baacode…" and the French refers to "le Baacode unique". Is there not a neat way of doing it in those languages, or is Baacode understood there too?
