Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Help needed!

Dear Colleagues:

No part of our community has worked harder during this struggle than the members of the Teaching Assistants' Association (TAA). They have marched and protested, testified and debated; they have remained at the capitol day and night, holding down the fort while many of us were home in bed. They have been a backbone of the movement, and now they need our help to keep going. The cost of food, water, and other essentials that sustain them, along with supplies to keep their organizational and communication efforts running, have drained the TAA's resources, and they're asking us to help them out with contributions--money that will help keep their bodies strong and spirits high and their efforts to keep the capitol clean, peaceful, and democratic as we enter the second week.

To contribute, please write a check to Teaching Assistant' Association and deliver (or send) it to the TAA at 254 W. Gilman, Madison, 53703, or make an online contribution through PayPal (it's easy!) at http://www.helpdefendwisconsin.org. You can also bring food (especially of the healthy variety) around mealtimes to 300NE at the Capitol.

Please feel free to pass this email on to others who might be inclined to help sustain the TAA's efforts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Anna Enke, Gender and Women's Studies and History
Nan Enstad, History
Christine Ewig, Gender and Women's Studies and Political Science
Camille Guerin-Gonzales, History and Chica@ and Latin@ Studies
Susan Johnson, History
William P. Jones, History
Stephen Kantrowitz, History
Tony Michels, History and Jewish Studies
Gregg Mitman, Medical History and Bioethics and History of Science
Brenda Gayle Plummer, History and Afro American Studies
Mary Louise Roberts, History

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