Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Public (or is that really 'private'?) authority status for UW-Madison

This will be must see stuff. A debate began at the Senate meeting on Monday and will continue this week. This was just forwarded to us.

Public authority status for UW-Madison represents the most fundamental change to this campus in nearly 40 years, and the issue has come up during a time of fiscal and political crisis. Our University community must have a solid basis for informed discussion of these matters. To this end, PROFS has assembled a distinguished panel of speakers who will present four perspectives on this topic. The discussion will take place:

Thursday, March 10
4-5:30 pm
Wisconsin Idea Room, Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall

Speakers include:

University of Wisconsin Regent Tom Loftus
former Assistant Chancellor Harry Peterson
Professor Cyrena Pondrom
Professor Jeremi Suri

The panel is aimed at offering diverse views on the issue of public authority status for UW-Madison independent of UW-System. The expertise of the panel spans national and state politics and US and Wisconsin higher education leadership, including knowledge of the history of higher education in Wisconsin and understanding of the state and campus budget processes.

This event is free and open to the public.

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