Sunday, April 03, 2011

Quick Wisconsin update

This is a critical week for Wisconsin and its flagship university. Here are some highlights:

Monday, 3:30, Bascom Hall 272: Faculty Senate meeting. Another Committee of the Whole discussion of the proposed public authority. Also on the agenda is the issue of the University turning over faculty emails to the Republican Party of Wisconsin. (People in the know are telling me that there was/is a strong case to be made against handing over anything.)

Monday, 5:00: From Memphis to Madison: Honor History, Make History. Rally for Statewide Day of Action in conjunction with GOTV efforts. Features performances by Michelle Shocked, other musical acts, and speeches by the Reverend Jesse Jackson and other leaders of the movement.

Tuesday: Election day. The right now controls the State Supreme by 4-3. If Kloppenburg beats Prosser, that flips it.

Tuesday, 1:00: Fight back USA teach-in, Hillel. LIVE WEBCAST: Cornel West & Frances Fox Piven (hosting) ... Jeffrey Sachs, economist, Columbia University Heather McGhee, Demos Richard Trumka, president, AFL-CIO plus activist reports on Wisconsin, teacher unions, and anti-forclosure movement.


Yesterday was the Zombie walk again Walker. Pic from here.

1 comment:

  1. Pete B4:11 PM

    Only two men are fluent in Ayapaneco and they don't talk.
