Tuesday, July 24, 2007

UW funding

Another baby step forward in getting the message out about funding ... two UW linguists published this today in the CapTimes. Finally a word about something more fundamental than faculty salaries: How we're losing grad students right now due to the funding crisis. Of course, there was a massive front page piece on faculty salaries in the same issue.

Update on the earlier post about cutting funds for the Law School: Steve Nass (Knuckle-dragger, representing Whitewater in the Assembly) has proposed specifically cutting funds to pay some aides to the chancellor and System president. These people "aren't doing their jobs". That's not micromanagement, that's insanity.

I promise to get back to linguistics ...


Anonymous said...

Thank you to the two linguists.

Anonymous said...

You're most welcome! We've got to start getting the word out about what's actually happening to education in this state.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's great to get the word out, but if the word is broadcast to a troupe of quadrovigesimally-digited cephalopygian gorillas, I wouldn't expect much productive response. What is a graduate student, when there's a Hummer payment looming?

Mr. Verb said...

Oh, it's not about Hummer payments, it's the new property in Antigua or buying another 2% of Halliburton.

The current Republican Assembly (and Senate) members aren't going to change their views, but it's about rebuilding the relationship with the people of the state. Democrats made considerable gains last election and are positioning themselves well at this early stage of the next round.