Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Dongle update

Well, now, not long ago, Mr. Verb (over?)confidently described the noun dongle as 'now-common'. I sauntered into our tech store today and told the young woman at the desk that I needed a dongle. She pointed to her colleague and said 'can you help this gentleman?' I repeated the question to him and he clearly did not understand, even after I repeated it. I described the object, he asked about the computer it was for and handed me one (they were directly behind his and the young woman's desks). I followed up by asking if he really didn't know the word, and he confirmed that he did not. I asked what they called them and the reply was "video display adapter". I would figure that dongle is really the class is all such attachment dealies and not just this particular one, but he clearly didn't know the word. Hmmmmm.


John Cowan said...

Your sense of the term does not seem to appear at http://catb.org/jargon/html/D/dongle.html .

drew said...

I think it was extended from sense 3 there. Everyone I know has called those video adapters dongles for years. I definitely had a laptop in 2000 or so that had a dongle for the PCMCIA ethernet card, and when I replaced it with a PowerBook in 2004 I immediately called the video adapter a dongle. Considering how many other people I've met who do the same thing (i.e. every CS person I know, plus the more tech oriented people in my department), I think it was just an obvious extension.

Anonymous said...

I've seen it in print in this meaning too.

The Ridger, FCD said...

I've never seen it anywhere but here, to be honest.