Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Calling formal semanticists! I sort of semi-know for a fact …

Donald Trump opened one of his rants about Obama and birtherism this way:
 I sort of semi-know for a fact …
 The audio is here, at about 6:30.

What?  What the hell does that mean? I mean really, what. does. that. mean.? I can't do it in a truth table.

The mega-hedge of all hedges?


Jonathon said...

I think I can translate: "I know this isn't actually a fact, but I really, really want it to be and will operate under the assumption that it is."

Mr. Verb said...

Good call!

Eugene said...

In 101 we teach about entailment. If you know something, it's a fact. If you (sort of) semi-know something, it is not a fact.

Mr. Verb said...

Yeah, that was precisely my starting point here. 'know for a far' and 'sort of semi' is doubling down in both directions.

Anonymous said...

That somebody so stupid is able to get so much attention is just one more sign of the end of the world.

Mr. Verb said...

Oops, key typo, meant to type: Yeah, that was precisely my starting point here. 'know for a fact' and 'sort of semi-' is doubling down in both directions at once.