Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Glenn Grothman

Glenn Grothman on MSNBC right now:
The protesters in the capitol are "slobs", "college students who are having a party", people "defacing our beautiful capitol", and "unemployed people looking for a place to hang out".
I've been down there, and that's just too far from reality to warrant further comment.

For the record, this is the same guy who last year encountered snow-covered roads en route to the capitol and then proposed a bill that would have taken away Madison's management of its own streets. This from a militant tea bagger anti-government goon.

Glenn, we're not paying for THIS idiot test.


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  3. I am outraged on his comments! I'm not Republican nor Democrat, but this closet case, elitist said exactly what he thinks of your average working American! I don't even live in this state & i want to see this guy gone! What can we do as Americans to get him ousted? If every American is pissed as i am, there has to be something we can do! I never get involved with political things, but this asshole got under my skin! Fellow American

  4. As a matter of fact, you make a really important point. See here:

