Tuesday, March 01, 2011

University of Wisconsin – Madison, bleeding to death?

The governor is proposes a cut of $125 million dollars in state funding to UW – Madison per year. We got 476 from the state last year. 26% cut total.


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

    The fight is on, by god, the fight is on. The stakes just got vaster higher, not just for union people, but for everybody with any connections to kids in school, retirees, whatever.

    Let's go, Wisconsin.

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This place is gonna blow. 200,000 at the capitol on Saturday. We're not gonna take it.

  3. Yup, that's it. On Wisconsin!!!!

  4. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Now is the time to fight! On Wisconsin!

  5. Erik Paulson8:45 AM

    Just as a correction, the $125M is over the biennium, not in one year. (Not that a 13% cut is any more welcome than a 26% cut)
