Random: when I was a teenager we lived in Chile for a year and a half, and happened to be there when Allende was elected. Although I was just 15 and basically only cared about boys, I do remember the night he was elected. We went downtown, where there was a huge rally going on. It was the first time I ever saw those orange-ish streetlights and everything looked like it was on fire. It was a very cool, almost frightening effect. But (in my dumb 15-year-old memory) part of the reason for the rally was to make the point that Allende had won, so that the election couldn't be stolen. Watching the rally in Grant Park tonight I'm kind of having flashbacks. I'm really scared to believe that this country has actually done something right, but maybe it'll actually be true. Naaaaah...
Allow me to be the first to say: Wooo-hooo!!!
Looks like we DID do something right, and with numbers that made it impossible to steal.
And I'll say it again: WOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes we could and yes we did.
Now - we gotta keep on doing it.
Exactly right!!!
Myself, I am more interested in where we will be at year 2 or 3 than where we are on day 2 or 3.
Lets hope the enthusiasm remains high and the change is real and productive.
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